Where are you located?

We are located in Ft. Collins, Colorado here in the United States.

Do you ship from the U.S.?

Yes, all of our products and suppliers are here in the United States.

Do you ship to Alaska or Hawaii?

Not currently. Unfortunately, the shipping costs are much too high for us to ship to those locations right now.

How quickly do items ship out?

We try to do our best to get items shipped out the next day business day or the day after at the most. It usually takes 3-5 business days to arrive at your location after your item has shipped.

Do you regularly stock new items?

Yes, we are constantly looking for new items we think that you'll enjoy, and we always try to restock out of stock items as quickly as possible.

What are your business hours?

We are open Monday - Friday 9 a.m. until 5 p.m., and we are closed on all major holidays.

Do you have a phone number or an email address?

Yes, we do! Check out our contact page with all of our info.

Thank you!